Campus Assist List

Basic Needs Center logo
Basic Needs Center
800 West Peltason Drive
(949) 824-0607

Student-initiated effort promotiong equitable access to basic needs. Food panty providing free basic emergency food supplies, consulstative services, workshops and resource information.

Health / Medical, Health Education, Basic Needs / Financial, Food, Housing, Income Assistance
Updated: Jan 2023
CalFresh Food logo
Basic Needs Center
800 West Peltason Drive
(949) 473-2806

CalFresh is part of the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)/food stamps program helping eligible low-income people to purchase the food they need.

Students can meet with a CalFresh advocate through the Basic Needs Center to help with the application process. Students may qualify if they are a U.S. citizen or Legal Permanent Resident, enrolled for at least 6 units and they meet at least one of several conditions, such as being employed at least 20 hours a week, receiving work-study or CalWorks, receiving CalGrant A/B, caring for a young child, or with a verification form from certain departments on campus.

Basic Needs / Financial, Food
Updated: Jan 2023
Cartoon of Peter the Anteater wearing an Office of Campus Social Work t-shirt
(949) 824-0101

Consultation, on- and off-campus resource assistance, and case management for students dealing with academic, financial, medical, mental or other personal issues or crises. Also serves as the designated office responsible for coordination in response to a student death.

Mental Health / Therapy, Consultation, Individual, Health / Medical, Insurance, Basic Needs / Financial, Food, Housing, Income Assistance, Social Services, Academic, Advising/Counseling
Updated: Jan 2023
Basic Needs Center
800 West Peltason Drive

Up to $2,000 grant available to currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students who demonstrate a financial crisis affecting access to housing, food, medical or mental health care. Prior to applying, any and all case-specific, university interventions should be utilized first (e.g., fee deadline extensions, payment plans, rent deferment, emergency loans, emergency meals).

Mental Health / Therapy, Addiction, Family & Children, Domestic Violence, Individual, Inpatient Treatment, Outpatient Program, LGBTQ+, Health / Medical, Medication/Prescriptions, Basic Needs / Financial, Food, Housing, Income Assistance, Rental/Utility Assistance, Therapy/Counseling
Updated: Jan 2023
Catholic Charities of Orange County
1710 West Edinger Avenue, Santa Ana
Food Pantry: 3631 West Warner Ave, Santa Ana
(714) 668-1130

Food pantry (first come/first serve basis), clothing, document preparation, translations. When funds available: utility, rent and transportation assistance. Services provided in Spanish and Vietnamese.

Basic Needs / Financial, Clothing, Food, Rental/Utility Assistance, Social Services, Transportation
Updated: Jan 2019
The Salvation Army Orange County doing the most good
1710 West Edinger Avenue, Santa Ana
(714) 384-0481

Food distribution, utility assistance, transportation (gas vouchers, bus tickets), clothing, household items, other forms of assistance and community referrals.

Basic Needs / Financial, Clothing, Food, Rental/Utility Assistance, Social Services, Transportation
Updated: Jan 2019
Second Harvest Food Bank Orange County member of Feeding America
(949) 653-0700

In partnership with more than 340 member charities, the Second Harvest Food Bank helps feed more than 200,000 individuals each month through primary services of acquiring and distributing donated and surplus food. Mobile pantries offer fresh produce at various locations across the county and the website provides additional useful links to emergency food and meals locations.

Basic Needs / Financial, Food
Updated: Jan 2019
1206 17th Street, Santa Ana
(714) 352-2911

Community health center providing primary health care services, including general medicine, pediatrics, women’s health, family planning, dentistry, vision/optometry, Behavioral Health Services, health screenings, preventative care and health education. Open Tuesday-Friday 8:00AM-5:00PM and Saturday 8:00AM-4:30PM.

Food pantry on the first and third Saturday of the month. Free grocery bag of food, and fresh vegetables and fruits when available. Free articles of clothing, shoes, baby food, diapers and toiletries also provided subject to availability. More information:

Basic Needs / Financial, Food, Legal Assistance, Social Services, Health / Medical, Dental, Free/Low-Cost Clinics, Health Education, Pregnancy, Mental Health / Therapy, Individual
Updated: Jan 2019
Share Our Selves
Locations in Costa Mesa, Santa Ana, Newport Beach, Lake Forest
(949) 270-2100

Health center providing high-quality, comprehensive safety net services to the OC community. Services include medical care, dental care, behavioral health and social services at eight health centers, as well as mobile units. Comprehensive social services include case management, food pantry and emergency financial assistance.

Food pantry: Monday-Friday 8:00AM-4:30PM at SOS Community Health Center, 1550 Superior Ave, Costa Mesa. Bags are filled with fresh produce, meats, dairy products, breads and assorted canned goods.

Basic Needs / Financial, Food, Rental/Utility Assistance, Social Services, Health / Medical, Dental, Free/Low-Cost Clinics, Health Education, Medication/Prescriptions, Pregnancy, Mental Health / Therapy, Family & Children, Individual
Updated: Jan 2019
720 West 19th Street, Costa Mesa

Hot meal served daily, Monday-Friday 12:00PM-3:00PM. Breakfast served Saturday and Sunday 9:00AM-11:00AM.

Basic Needs / Financial, Food
Updated: Oct 2018
South County Outreach
26776 Vista Terrace, Lake Forest
(949) 380-8144

Comprehensive services to families and seniors. Food, shelter, computer learning lab, transitional housing, clothing, as well as one-time rental and utility assistance in short-term crises to prevent homelessness.

Basic Needs / Financial, Clothing, Food, Housing, Rental/Utility Assistance, Social Services
Updated: Jan 2019

Public/private partnership web project portal for individuals, families and social service agencies concerned with community mental health services, substance use treatment programs and help for people with developmental disabilities. Orange County resource for individuals, families and agencies concerned with behavioral health. Information about services, laws, related news, as well as communication tools and other features. Searchable by category, agency name or keyword.

Addiction, Chemical Dependency Treatment, Educational Materials, Meetings/Support, Residential Treatment, Therapy/Counseling, Basic Needs / Financial, Career/Job Development, Child Care, Clothing, Food, Homeless Shelters, Housing, Income Assistance, Legal Assistance, Rental/Utility Assistance, Social Services, Transportation, Emergency / Safety, Health / Medical, Dental, Health Education, Insurance, Mental Health / Therapy, Family & Children, Individual, Inpatient Treatment, Outpatient Program, Support G...
Updated: Oct 2018
California WIC Women, Infants & Children
Sign-up locations throughout Orange County
Info: (800) 564-8448 / Appts: (888) 968-7942

Provides supplemental food, nutrition education, breastfeeding support and help finding health care and other community services for low- to moderate-income pregnant, breastfeeding and postpartum people, and infants/children up to age 5 who are at nutritional risk. The purpose of WIC is to prevent health problems and to improve the health of program participants during critical times of growth and development. (California state program administered by Orange County.)

Basic Needs / Financial, Food, Health / Medical, Health Education, Pregnancy
Updated: Jan 2019
Helping People. Changing Lives. Community Action Partnership of Orange County
(714) 839-6199

Utility assistance for current bills. Limited assistance with past due bills that are pending disconnects. Assistance with energy and weatherization home projects.

Basic Needs / Financial, Food, Rental/Utility Assistance
Updated: Jan 2019
FAM Family Assistance Ministries
Locations in San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano, Dana Point
(949) 492-8477

Food pantry, rental and utility assistance, bus and gas vouchers, transitional shelter for single women and women with children under 12, free tax help, credit counseling.

Basic Needs / Financial, Food, Housing, Rental/Utility Assistance, Transportation
Updated: Jan 2019