Campus Assist List
Human Resources
111 Theory, Suite 200
111 Theory, Suite 200
(949) 824-5210
Information on UCI disability plans (short-term, supplemental and UCRP) and procedures, used in conjunction with state-mandated Workers' Compensation and Social Security plans to create a comprehensive safety net to protect employees from loss of wages over the course of their disability period.
Basic Needs / Financial, Income Assistance, Disability
Updated: Sep 2019
103 Multipurpose Science & Technology Building
(949) 824-5594
Responsible for University compliance with federal and state laws and UC policies and procedures regarding discrimination, retaliation, sexual harassment and sex offenses. OEOD works to promote and integrate the principles of equal opportunity, affirmative action, nondiscrimination and inclusive excellence at UCI.
Emergency / Safety, Sexual Assault, Complainant Support Services, Domestic Violence, Disability
Updated: Mar 2021