Campus Assist List
800 West Peltason Drive
Student-initiated effort promotiong equitable access to basic needs. Food panty providing free basic emergency food supplies, consulstative services, workshops and resource information.
Consultation, on- and off-campus resource assistance, and case management for students dealing with academic, financial, medical, mental or other personal issues or crises. Also serves as the designated office responsible for coordination in response to a student death.
800 West Peltason Drive
Up to $2,000 grant available to currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students who demonstrate a financial crisis affecting access to housing, food, medical or mental health care. Prior to applying, any and all case-specific, university interventions should be utilized first (e.g., fee deadline extensions, payment plans, rent deferment, emergency loans, emergency meals).
Public/private partnership web project portal for individuals, families and social service agencies concerned with community mental health services, substance use treatment programs and help for people with developmental disabilities. Orange County resource for individuals, families and agencies concerned with behavioral health. Information about services, laws, related news, as well as communication tools and other features. Searchable by category, agency name or keyword.