Campus Assist List
800 West Peltason Drive
Student-initiated effort promotiong equitable access to basic needs. Food panty providing free basic emergency food supplies, consulstative services, workshops and resource information.
Consultation, on- and off-campus resource assistance, and case management for students dealing with academic, financial, medical, mental or other personal issues or crises. Also serves as the designated office responsible for coordination in response to a student death.
800 West Peltason Drive
Up to $2,000 grant available to currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students who demonstrate a financial crisis affecting access to housing, food, medical or mental health care. Prior to applying, any and all case-specific, university interventions should be utilized first (e.g., fee deadline extensions, payment plans, rent deferment, emergency loans, emergency meals).
For all services related to student billing, including ZOT Accounts, late fees, financial holds, past-due balance, payment arrangements (PACE Payment Plan), refunds, written-off balance, and collections.
111 Theory, Suite 200
Information on UCI disability plans (short-term, supplemental and UCRP) and procedures, used in conjunction with state-mandated Workers' Compensation and Social Security plans to create a comprehensive safety net to protect employees from loss of wages over the course of their disability period.
Financial aid office serving prospective, undergraduate, graduate, teacher education, School of Business, School of Law and School of Medicine students. Counselors can provide assistance during the application process.
111 Theory, Suite 200
Provides financial assistance for campus and UCIMC staff members experiencing an immediate, severe, temporary financial situation due to emergency or unforeseen or unavoidable event. Assists with immediate, essential expenses by providing a one-time distribution of funds up to a maximum of $500. Available to active, unrepresented, non-probationary, full or part-time staff in good standing, based on need and eligibility criteria.
111 Theory, Suite 200
Information on Human Resources wellness programming for faculty, staff and retirees with the goal of supporting employees in achieving a more balanced and healthy lifestyle both at work and at home. Programming includes annual health screenings, fairs, workshops, upcoming EAP and Fidelity webinars, health programs and challenges, and other events. Find helpful Programs/Challenges and Workshops/Webinars under the "Programs & Events" menu.
605 West Santa Ana Boulevard
Disability insurance benefits provide partial wage replacement to eligible workers unable to work because of a medical or physical illness or injury (non-work related), which prevents them from performing their regular or customary work (including pregnancy). SDI benefits generally last a year. Eligibility includes being unable to do your regular work for at least eight days and having earned at least $300 from which SDI deductions were withheld. Online application available.
California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids. Temporary financial assistance and employment-related services to families with minor children. When one or both parents are absent, disabled, deceased or unemployed, if eligible for CalWORKS you automatically qualify for Medi-Cal and might qualify for CalFresh. (California state program administered by Orange County.)
Temporary cash aid to eligible indigent adults with no minor children who are ineligible for Federal or State programs. Benefits are considered a loan and must be repaid. To be eligible, must be a U.S. citizen or legal alien resident in Orange County and meet income and property requirements. If you are employable you must register with GR Work program. Also provides financial benefits for cremation and burial expenses. (Orange County program.)
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) pays wage replacement income benefits to those who worked long enough and paid Social Security taxes. Eligibility includes having worked in jobs covered by Social Security and having a medical condition that meets Social Security's definition of disability. Generally available to people who are unable to work for a year or more. (Federal program administered by U.S. Social Security Administration.)
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program pays benefits to aged, blind, and disabled people who have limited or no income, providing cash to meet basic needs for food, clothing and shelter. SSI is funded by general tax revenues and eligibility is based on income and disability, not years of experience. (Federal program administered by U.S. Social Security Administration.)
Public/private partnership web project portal for individuals, families and social service agencies concerned with community mental health services, substance use treatment programs and help for people with developmental disabilities. Orange County resource for individuals, families and agencies concerned with behavioral health. Information about services, laws, related news, as well as communication tools and other features. Searchable by category, agency name or keyword.
Monday-Thursday 8:00AM-8:30PM and Friday-Saturday 8:00AM-4:30PM. Center services include individual/group and family counseling, substance abuse assessment and referral, and employment referral for veterans and servicemembers.
Monday-Thursday 8:00AM-8:00PM and Friday 8:00AM-4:30PM. Center services include individual/group and family counseling, substance abuse assessment and referral, and employment referral for veterans and servicemembers.