Campus Assist List

Human Resources
111 Theory, Suite 200
(949) 824-5210

Information on UCI disability plans (short-term, supplemental and UCRP) and procedures, used in conjunction with state-mandated Workers' Compensation and Social Security plans to create a comprehensive safety net to protect employees from loss of wages over the course of their disability period.

Basic Needs / Financial, Income Assistance, Disability
Updated: Sep 2019
Human Resources
111 Theory, Suite 200
(949) 824-5429

Information on Human Resources wellness programming for faculty, staff and retirees with the goal of supporting employees in achieving a more balanced and healthy lifestyle both at work and at home. Programming includes annual health screenings, fairs, workshops, upcoming EAP and Fidelity webinars, health programs and challenges, and other events. Find helpful Programs/Challenges and Workshops/Webinars under the "Programs & Events" menu.

Income Assistance, Health / Medical, Fitness, Health Education, Mental Health / Therapy, Educational Materials, Seniors
Updated: Sep 2019