Campus Assist List
Free and confidential support services to members of the UCI community impacted by sexual assault, relationship abuse, family violence and/or stalking. Includes consultation, advocacy and referrals to community agencies, individual and group counseling, trainings and workshops and campus-wide prevention programming. Resources and information on developing and maintaining healthy relationships, sexual assault, personal safety and gender issues. / ID: UCIEAP3
Provided by ComPsych GuidanceResources. Free and confidential support, resources and information to employees and dependants for personal and work-life issues (e.g, interpersonal, financial, mental health). Staffed by experienced master's and doctoral level clinicians. Available 24/7. Help with problem identification, assessment and referral to treatment providers and community resources.
Mental health care consultative services and support to resolve behavioral health issues. Primary crisis intervention resource to facilitate and coordinate appropriate resources. Time-limited case management for individual employees.
Complainint support and navigation services for employees who have or may desire to bring forth complaints of alleged conduct that violates UC policy on sexual violence and sexual harassment.
Summary of mental health counseling services available to students, faculty and staff.
Free online behavioral health self-help modules.